Mean Girls Invade 'Nashville'

Juliette has always been a little on the tell-it-like-it-is side, but now there's a new mean girl in Nashville -- Scarlett. I honestly never knew she had it in her.

But on Wednesday night's (Oct. 2) episode of the ABC series, she held nothing back. Listen to what she told Deacon after he was boo-hooing about his injured left arm.

"You wanna get mean?" she said. "That's fine. I can get mean. All my life, I've watched you refuse to become the man your father was -- an angry, bitter, old drunk. And look at you. Spitting image of him, and you are stone cold sober. Thirteen years of sobriety. What was worth that?"

In that one scene, Scarlett said what we all wanted to say to Deacon. Later, she also told him to "man up" because he hadn't lost a limb. It's like in one episode she went from this quiet Emmylou Harris personality to some kind of badass Miranda Lambert.

The only one with a colder heart on the show was Juliette. As usual. She had words with her new universally despised label head Jeff. Like, "Would you like for me to go have my own near-death experience?" And "The bubblegum and glitter just aren't things I care about anymore." And best of all, when Jeff introduced her to his new act who'd just come in second on the fictitious show American Hitmaker, Juliette said to him, "What? You couldn't get the winner?"

Rayna had her tough moments with Jeff, too, when he tried to steal one of her acts away from her label.

"Is this really how you wanna start with me?" she said. "I'm not letting you take Will from me. You go ahead and keep that luck. I make my own luck."

In other Nashville news, Deacon started a fire sale for all of his guitars, then changed his mind and sawed his cast off so he could play again. Juliette went home to the trailer park that built her. Maddie still hasn't forgiven her mom for lying about her paternity. Teddy said he was always gonna be there for Rayna. And Rayna told Deacon, "I don't think we can save each other." But you know that's so not over.

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