Carrie Underwood on the Mom Thing, Wife Thing

“We’re All Just Trying to Be Everything”

Just like so many other women out there, Carrie Underwood has a lot of titles. And about 99 percent of them have absolutely nothing to do with being a country star.

“I feel like with all the hats that I do wear -- that's just a woman thing. That's a mom [thing], a wife [thing]. We're all just trying to be everything to everybody and keep it all going,” Underwood revealed to

Because of that kind of life she’s living right now, she doesn’t hold herself some kind of unachievable standards, either.

In fact, sometimes, it’s just a monkey bars kind of day.

“You fit workouts in whenever you can. Sometimes I take my son to the park and I'm like, you need to play [and] I need to work out.

“Hey, there's some monkey bars -- I can do some pull-ups. There's some steps -- I can do some step-ups. There's a bench -- I can do some dips,” she said.

Her son Isaiah doesn't care what she’s doing, she said, because he’s just going down the slide and having a grand time.

“So sometimes, your life and the things that you wanna do all collides and you're just trying to make it all happen at the same time,” she said.

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