OFFSTAGE: Keith Urban Offers a Hands-On Reward

(CMT Offstage keeps a 24/7 watch on everything that's happening with country music artists behind the scenes and out of the spotlight.)

One of the priciest things at the Urban Style salon in Eau Claire, Wis., is a $65 perm. Yet, owner Denise Mackey-Natz would part with $200 out of her own pocket to get her Keith Urban-themed fiberglass chair, shaped like a cupped hand, back where it belongs. The unique sculpture has been a part of the salon's storefront for three years, when the stylist paid $2,500 for it to benefit the Children's Museum of Eau Claire. But not only does she want it back, Urban does too. So he called the salon and came up with this genius idea: Anyone with information that helps find the hand chair will receive four tickets and four VIP passes to any show on Urban's tour. Hopefully, the thieves won't get the reward (including $200 for beer money) because crime shouldn't pay. Especially not that well.

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