Tim McGraw's Best Gift Wasn't in the Gift Bag

Academy Award Congrats Full of XXXs and OOOs

On Wednesday afternoon (Feb. 25), Tim McGraw posted what appears to be the best thing about performing at the Academy Awards: the pride of his entire family.

And while I'm sure the performers and nominees and winners were showered with gifts, what gift bag could ever compete with a homemade banner on kraft paper, with notes like this:

"Good! Job! Dad!!!"

"Great job! You rock! Love, Gracie"

"Love you so much!! You did so good!! Audrey McGraw"

"Awesome xoxoxo"

"Good Job Dad! Love you! Love, Maggie"

"I'm so proud of my little boy! Love Mommy"

"We are so proud of you"

Not that McGraw wouldn't have loved the more material gifts that he could've received after his performance of Glen Campbell's "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" on Feb. 6.

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