'Still The King' Recap: Guess Who's Comin' to Dinner (SPOILERS)

Vernon and Charlotte Do Some Unconventional Father/Daughter Bonding

“Temptation makes you human, that’s all. 'Cause I ain’t the first one carrying the cross to walk the line of prostitutes. Can I get an amen?!” Vernon asks the congregation. Everyone stands up and rejoices, “Amen!”

The church-goers are taking a liking to Vernon as the service closes, and everyone walks out of the church smiling and laughing.

From a car across the street, Charlotte and Mabel see Vernon shaking hands after the service. Charlotte exclaims, “What the F---?!”

Mable stops the car, and they start talking about what they’ve just witnessed. Maybe this situation can work to their advantage? They need an adult, willing to lie, so they can go to the next concert on their calendars.

Charlotte walks up to her dad. Vernon is caught in his web of lies, and will seemingly do anything to make it right so he doesn’t get in trouble again. So, Charlotte begins to blackmail her on father to get what she wants.

Meanwhile, Walt and Curtis find the church mailbox blown to smithereens. They begin a sort of CSI Miami investigation, and Walt is glowing with excitement. He may be kicked out of the Paranormal Men’s Society, but that doesn’t mean has to stop investigating.

Vernon and Charlotte arrive at Mabel’s family home. Mabel’s dad quickly takes Vernon to hang out in his man cave, which is a tiny shed that is comically small. After an awkward chat, they sit down for a nice dinner with the entire red headed clan.

Over at Ronnie and Debbie’s house, Ronnie films his public access show and begins planning out how he’ll acquire a boat for himself. Lucky for him, there’s a boat parked on his lawn, which has been there for a very long time. Perhaps he can claim imminent domain. Sadly, his dreams are crushed when Debbie moves the boat just before his alarm goes off reminding him to claim imminent domain.

After Vernon, Mabel and Charlotte finish dinner, they leave for the concert they’ve been dreaming about. Vernon sure is a cool dad, well, sort of. He walks in with the girls, and takes a lap around the venue as people notice he’s Burnin’ Vernon. Charlotte is mortified.

However, this works in Charlotte’s favor because his one-hit-wonder fame connects her with a writer for Nashville Scene, a local entertainment magazine.

Catch an all-new episode of Still The King every Sunday at 9 pm ET/PT. And, follow the show by visiting and the show’s official Facebook page and on Twitter using #StillTheKing.

You can also watch a 3-minute breakdown of the episode below.

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