Miranda Lambert on When Life Shakes You Up

“You’re More Open to Other Possibilities," She Tells 'CMT After MidNite With Cody Alan'

The best thing about artists is their ability to observe life through a different creative lens.

That's certainly the case for Miranda Lambert.

In an exclusive new interview with CMT After MidNite With Cody Alan, Lambert said she believed there is a reason behind every shake-up in life -- and some of them are connected.

"I feel like sometimes when you think everything's sort of tilted on its side," she said, "then something else comes in and shows you the reason that that might be happening -- whether it's a person or a situation. When stuff gets a little ... tilted is the word I'm using, [it] sort of opens your mind because you're not as guarded, just head down doing the grindstone. When something shakes you up, you're more open to other possibilities."

The characters she sings about on her double album The Weight of These Wings know exactly they are -- flaws and all -- in the title track, "Ugly Lights," "Good 'Ol Days," "Tom Boy" and "For the Birds."

Co-written with Jack Ingram and Jon Randall, the collection's latest release "Tin Man" stars a soul who wants to trade their broken heart for the Tin Man's suit of armor.

But "Highway Vagabond" might carry the album's underlying message of self-acceptance and accountability: "If we ain't broke down, then we ain't doing something right."

CMT After MidNite's full interview with Lambert airs May 4-5.

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