Keith Urban’s Lokos Were Really UDLs

What His Teenage Years Were Like in Oz

When you Google “Lokos,” you get roughly 381,000 results.

Probably because the name is in the chorus of Keith Urban’s current No. 1 “Wasted Time.” And also because of the controversy surrounding the brand’s heritage as a caffeinated alcoholic drink, especially popular with underage teenagers.

Fortunately, Urban never touched the stuff growing up. So when he got to that part of the song with co-writers Greg Wells and James Abrahart, he admits he had to Google "Lokos."

“I didn't grow up sippin' on Lokos, but I grew up sippin' on some nasty stuff,” Urban recently told ABC Radio. “We had UDL, which stood for United Distilleries Limited, and it was a prepackaged mix of bourbon and cola -- cola wanna-be and bourbon wanna-be -- jammed into a can.”  UDL also made a vodka drink.

“And it was like the worst,” he added. “Awful, just awful. But it was cheap and it would do the trick. Lokos sang better than UDL.”

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