Taylor Swift: One Step Closer to the Presidency

The Country Turned Pop Star Just Entered Politics -- Sort Of

U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner is delivering his message via Taylor Swift GIFs. Or at least his website is.

I get that not everyone is behind President Obama’s free college idea, but to critique the concept by using music video clips and snippets from awards shows seems a little nontraditional -- or, on the other hand, extremely innovative.

Boehner’s assessment of Obama’s proposed plan is that someone’s going to have to pay for this supposed free college tuition. (Boehner himself paid his own way through Xavier University by working as a night janitor.)

And in a twisted little bit of irony, Swift herself has single-handedly made college more affordable for one fan by giving her $1,989.

The GIFs Boehner's site has pulled together are captioned to point out that many issues plague the plan. Among the observations:

“Not even all the Taylor Swift album sales in the world would cover that bill.”

“60 billion dollars is a lot of money ... you can't just shake it off.”

“There’s no blank space in the taxpayers' checkbook."

So far, Swift hasn’t weighed in on the usage of the GIFs, but plenty of readers have.

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